Find me on as Sim_Princess14

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pregnancy sign 3# the Baby Bump

Yeah I have been waiting for this moment for over a sim day. She finally has the baby bump. I've never been so proud. The baby bump that causes back aches. I'm so proud of you Crystal!
Since she wanted a girl I made sure she ate three apples in a row.

And I just finished decorating Baby 1# room. Its like living where the birds sing and the butterflies play. The room was kind of small so encase of twins I will expand.

Wedding Bells?

Believe it or not Crystal got married! Two Sim Days earlier George had proposed and of course Crystal accepted. Then the day of the wedding Crystal denied him when he first tried to exchange rings. It turns out George was flirting with a girl at the wedding party. George apologized and the wedding was back on. They exchanged rings and kissed. I was a little worried about the marriage considering George doesn't like kids and Crystal wants many. We will just have to see what happens.

Second sign of Pregnancy: Nausea and Vomiting

      So everyone who had a pregnant sim (female & male) knows very well that Nausea and Vomiting is a major sign of your sim being pregnant. Well guess who vomited lately! Yes Crystal finally showed the sign that I've been looking for! She was at the park enjoying a day off of work when she started feeling Nauseated. She ran to the public restroom as soon as she could and of course she vomited! I jumped for joy while she tried to get her head out the toilet. Lets all cheer for joy while Crystal brushes her teeth!

P.S. Very detailed pictures of actual sim vomit. Viewer Discretion is advised.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby 1#

           Crystal is already showing signs of the baby coming. First She has started reading baby books. She bought two books. She is reading "Totally Preggers an Expecting Mother's Tale" and "Baby Incoming Preparing with Vigilance". Even though she is barely even showing a belly she is working hard to make sure the pregnancy is perfect. She has been trying to get George "the father of baby 1#" to read the pregnancy books but he has been to worried about work and owning every family owned business in Sunset Valley. So since the..."woohoo" it seems George has no time for Crystal anymore.
Crystal sitting by her older brother Charlie

George Working hard for the money

Crystal's chest size doubled since pregnancy

Crystal reading "Totally Preggers an Expecting Mother Tale"

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Here comes baby number 1#

After Charlie moved out he left Crystal emergency money just encase anything happens. Crystal used the money to move into a bigger and better house. Crystal and George got right down to business in their new home.

Their first try they weren't so lucky. No lullaby went through the room but there was still romance in the air. They kissed a little and woohoo'd again.
As soon as they went at it again, they soon heard the amazing lullagy Crystal was looking for. Crystal will soon be a mother! And George a father...who is home half the time. Crystal is now decorating her new baby room in hope for a Boy or a Girl maybe even both!!!

Meet Crystal's New Boy Toy!!

                                            This is Crystal's new boyfriend George Cornilious.

 He is a major workaholic which will do fine for paying the bills. He has moved in with her as soon as they went steady. George is madly in love with Crystal but sadly he is more in love with his job. He is working on becoming the CEO of Doo Peas Corporate Towers.

Meet Crystal Usher!!

                                                 This is Crystal Usher the challenger!!

 She is currently living with her old brother Charlie is working hard to become a rock star! Crystal's current Job is a Part-time grocery clerk. She is very artistic & romantic. She hasn't decide what to do with her life yet but lets find out later on in the story..

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome to Crystal's 100 Baby Challenge!

     Welcome to my site and a challenge that will last a long time and take up most of my free time to finish. I am a big Sims fan and I have been playing sims for awhile. I have been playing since 2007 and I am very much addicted. Once I start playing I will only be able to post when I can. There will be more posts on the weekend then the week day since well I have school. Please also add me on the Sims 3 site my user is Sims_Princess14 link>>>> and if you like to add me on facebook here is the link>>>>!/PlatinumPrincess16 I will post as much as I can and add plenty of pictures! I only have the Sims 3 right now but I am planning on getting Sims 3 Late Night and Sims 3 World Adventures next then finally Sims 3 Ambitions. I play from PC so I will get more done. Thanks for visiting and enjoy! And wish Crystal Luck!!!

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